Carolyne’s story is typical of the children who are looked after by R.E.A.CH. Carolyne is an orphan and was found by Sr Theresa in a local village when she was 3 years old.

Rather than place her in an orphanage, Sr Theresa took her in and provided love and shelter and nursed her back to health. By means of generous donations she was able to send her to school from nursery to Primary 7.

In 2014 Carolyne achieved some of the highest scores in the country in her school exams (which was announced on Ugandan national radio and television!)

R.E.A.CH has helped pay for Carolyne to go to school where she has gone from strength to strength, and is now regarded as one of the most gifted children in her school. With our help in supporting her ongoing education, we hope that she can achieve her goals!

R.E.A.CH supports 14 children like Carolyne, we provide funds for care, uniforms and schooling.

Children supported by this project have benefitted by accessing an education that will raise their status and value within their community, foster their long term self-sufficiency and help to protect them from exploitation. They also benefit from vocational training, health education, balanced diet and living in a safe and secure place.

  • Children receive guidance and counselling.
  • Sensitization on health, how to eat a balanced diet, how to look after their bodies as they grow, sleeping under mosquito nets, drinking boiled water. Also talking about the dangers of AIDS which is rampant in Uganda.
  • The land which is currently not used for teaching purposes is being used for farming and cultivation of vegetables and other crops to feed these children and help them learn how to grow their own vegetables and crops. The project has cows, dairy goats, pigs, a few chickens and fish so that children can have a balanced diet.