Elf Fest - **SOLD OUT** - No Tickets Avail On The Door

Elf Fest - SOLD OUT - No tickets are available on the door.

R.E.A.CH (Reaching East Africa’s Children) helps to educate and care for vulnerable children in Uganda. Our philosophy is that ‘all children should have a childhood’ and that ‘education is no weight to carry.’

We are proud of our minimal overheads and publish details of all the charity costs to ensure that our donors can be reassured that their money is being managed and spent in the most effective way.

We operate through ‘Trusted Representatives’ in Uganda who identify the need, and manage the projects on our behalf.
R.E.A.CH currently runs a variety of projects supporting some of the most vulnerable people in Uganda’s society. Whilst our primary focus is education, we also fund a number of small projects which we hope will become sustainable in the future. We like to invest in skills for vulnerable families so that they can work towards lifting themselves out of poverty.

Please read on to find out more about how we operate and the projects we support.