Safeguarding Statement

R.E.A.CH (Reaching East Africa’s CHildren) recognizes its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within the legal framework of the Children Act 1989 and 2004. The children we support are protected under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child and the legislation within their own country.

R.E.A.CH is also aware that children, young people and vulnerable adults can be the victims of different kinds of abuse and that we all have a responsibility to safeguard against this happening.

R.E.A.CH works in the UK as a registered Charity and has no day-to-day direct contact with the children we support in Uganda. However, we do endeavour to make sure our partners in East Africa are aware of our responsibility (and their responsibility) and this is clearly demonstrated by the information within this statement.

We will endeavour by our work to make clear that:

R.E.A.CH is committed to making sure the children we support are as safe as possible (During the COVID-19 Pandemic the charity has been alerted to the fact children have gone hungry and responded very quickly to send money for food).

R.E.A.CH’s main role is to raise funds to support the education and care of vulnerable children. This is done by either sending funds directly to trusted advisors or by funding the initiation and development of small self-sustaining community projects which will in-time raise funds to support children within the community.